- (de) Haecksen Podcast https://www.haecksen.org/podcast/ und hier im Wiki
- (en) We're having a moment (Baratunde Thurston) https://www.baratunde.com/wham
- (de) BBQ https://www1.wdr.de/radio/cosmo/podcast/bbq-black-brown-queere-podcast/index.html
- (de) Feuer & Brot https://feuerundbrot.de/
- (de) Lila Podcast https://lila-podcast.de/
- (de) Die Kulturpessimistinnen https://www.kultpess.de/
- (de) Queek https://queekpodcast.wordpress.com/
- (de) Der nerdige Trashtalk https://dernerdigetrashtalk.podigee.io/
- (de) PULS https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/willkommen-im-club-der-queere-podcast-von-puls/10531949/
- (de) Sputnik Pride https://www.sputnik.de/sendungen/sputnik-pride-100.html
- (de) transphilosophisch https://transphilosophisch.de/
- (en) How To Be A Girl https://www.howtobeagirlpodcast.com/
- (en) One From The Vaults https://soundcloud.com/onefromthevaultspodcast
- (en) Making Gay History https://makinggayhistory.org/
- (es) Vive y Lucha https://radiotirsolibertaria.cntmadrid.org/index.php/programas/vive-y-lucha
- (en) Our Opinions Are Correct https://ouropinionsarecorrect.libsyn.com
- (en) Lost Women of Science https://www.lostwomenofscience.org
- (de) Science S*heroes https://sciencesheroes.letscast.fm
- (en) Hello, white people! Hello, world! Baratunde Thurston interviewed Diana Arce, "Black Lives Matter"-Aktivisting die seit 16 Jahren in Berlin lebt https://www.baratunde.com/wham-blog/ep5