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27C3 - Congress 2010

Chaos Communication Congress 2010,

29.12.2010 (Dritter Kongresstag)

Workshopraum A03

10:00-11:00 Uhr: Haecksenfrühstück

11:00-14:00 Uhr: Vorträge zu den Themen:

  • Bioinformatics & Machine Learning - a Brief Introduction,
  • Sentiment Analysis / Opinion Mining
  • "A short teaser regarding the documentary on women developers/hackers"
  • und wenn die Zeit es zulässt: Games with a purpose


Artikel über die Haecksen auf dem 27c3 im Wired:


Kurzbeschreibungen der Vorträge

Talks can be held in English if requested

Bioinformatics & Machine Learning - a Brief Introduction

Subtitel: An introduction in Bioinformatics & Machine Learning with outlines into current research (ie. Brain Computer Interfaces, Protein Design, Video Genome)

Abstract: After defining Bioinformatics and giving a guided tour through some of its online databases (KEGG, UniProt) this talk will head over to basic Machine Learning algorithms like Hidden Markov Models and Genetic Algorithms. It will close with a sample of up to date research where Machine Learning is used in the field of Bioinformatics (Brain Computer Interfaces, Protein Design).


Sentiment Analysis / Opinion Mining

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How can we automatically find out people's opinions on products or other things? This talk will introduce basic methods as well as some further interesting techniques for sentiment analysis/opinion mining.


A work in progress documentary on women developers/hackers, presenting a short teaser, explain the purpose of the documentary and articulate some debate and conversation with the participants....


Games with a purpose

Let others have fun while they work for you! In this talk, I will present some online-games that are not only pleasure to play, but as a side-effect create useful resources for different tasks.



Aktuelles: Haecksentreffen Südwest

20.3.2010 Die Haecksen und solche, die es werden wollen treffen sich in Karlsruhe.
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Das Treffen fand statt und es wurden Pläne für einen Ausflug mit Programm geschmiedet.