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Welcome to the Haecksen community!

This is the English translation of Willkommensinfos für Neuhaecksen.

This page contains the welcome mail information that is sent to new members. For the sake of clarity, we have tried to keep the welcome email as short as possible. Most of the information can be found here in the wiki.


  • Mailing list
    • Unsubscribe: Mail to haecksen-unsubscribe [ät]
    • Add new haecksen: see section Mailinglist
    • Do's: Information about events, handicrafts, feminism, organisation are welcome.
    • Don'ts: Please do not send any attachments or forwarding emails without permission.
  • Rocketchat: Main communication channel,
    • You need an SSO account for this. You can get one on request at admin [ät]
  • Regional groups: Yes we have them, more info here in the wiki
  • Haecksen-Buddies: The Haecksen-Mentoring program, mail to: buddy (at)
  • FAQ and Glossary: can be found here in the Wiki
  • Dates: In the calender, in the Wiki and on the website.
  • How to participate? Tasks and hats will be distributed regularly
  • any more questions? info [ät] or #haecksen_frageecke in Rocketchat

That's a lot of information here and maybe you have more questions? You can always send your questions to info [ät] or ask them in #haecksen_frageecke in Rocketchat. If you are looking for more connection to our community, our Buddy-Haecksen will help you.


The mailing list now has more than 550 members - for this reason we want to keep the volume of communication low. The Rocketchat is therefore more suitable for chatting or talking. 

The mailing list is there for nationwide networking. Here you can find out everything important. Information/topics that can be sent on the mailing list are, for example:

  • Information on interesting events
  • Call for Papers/ Participation/ Speakers
  • Information on feminist issues, data protection, net politics, digital self-defence, handicraft fun, etc.
  • Information on the Haecksen organisation and events
  • Questions about Haecksen/technology/feminism/x
  • Questions about connections/help/experiences/x
  • No attachments should be sent on mailing lists.
  • If it is not explicitly allowed, the sender should be asked for permission before forwarding an email from this list to other people who are not on this list.

To remove your address from the list, send a message to: haecksen-unsubscribe [ät]

If you know a person personally who would also like to be on the Haecksen list and who identifies with the Haecksen definition, please do the following:
- The interested person writes an email to liste [ät] with the request. They also CC the Haeckse they know, who can confirm the contact.
- The known Haeckse replies to liste [ät] and confirms or vouches for the new person.
- The admin haecksen put the new haeckse on the mailing list and send out the welcome email.  

The silent list, "stille Liste"

If the volume of communication on the mailing list is too much for you, we recommend that you set up a subfolder, filter your inbox and then only take a look occasionally. This is what a lot of Haecksen do. The mailing list is where all the important information goes, so it's important that you check it from time to time.

If the amount of emails on the mailing list is too much for you, we recommend that you set up a filter.

If you still find it too much, you can of course unsubscribe at any time. However, by doing so you will leave the Haecksen universe and the community, which means that all your Haecksen accounts will be deactivated or deleted.

If you would like to be removed from the mailing list, but would like to remain Haeckse, you can switch to the "silent list" to keep your accounts. Write to us by email (admin@) or in the Rocket #adminfoo to express your wish. 

Attention: We do not recommend the silent list as you will miss important information!

No(!) emails will be sent via the "silent list", except for urgent emergencies. All emails that arrive there are automatically held back, and only released after being checked by an admin (but will probably not be released). So why does this "silent list" exist?

  • For whom? Haeckse who wants to stay Haeckse (e.g. use Rocketchat) but diesn't want to be on the main mailing list.
  • What for? Mainly for account management. If your email address is neither on the main mailing list nor on the silent list, your accounts will be deactivated/deleted.
  • What emails are allowed on the silent list? Almost none. If we ever shut down a service completely (e.g. Rocketchat), or if anything very significant changes on the accounts (e.g. change from regular login to SSO account login), we would inform you so that you can back up your data or set a new password.

If you are on the "silent list", it is your own responsibility to inform yourself about Haecksen activities. You can also find out the most important things via the Rocketchat #announce channel.

SSO-Account and Tools

SSO stands for Single-Sign-On and is something like a master key, i.e. a single account with which you can gain access to various services on

To use the Rocketchat, the Wiki and other tools hosted on you need an SSO account. You can get one on request from admin [ät]

SSO access is e.g.:

  • Wiki Login: To read plenary minutes and other non-public content and to create your own pages (participation is encouraged!).
  • Rocketchat: Chat with us!
  • "Wolke" (cloud): If you need an account for our Nextcloud for a Haecksen project, you will get access (access rights on request in #adminfoo or via email).

More information about the SSO account can be found in our admin guide (only readable with login).

In addition, Haecksen uses a number of other tools. You can find a more complete list under Tools & Accounts.


Most of our communication happens in Rocketchat, which you can find here: There you'll find channels on many topics, from event organising to job ads and chit-chat.

You can access Rocket with your SSO account.


Meeting rooms for digital meetings (aka "Ada"). There are several rooms, which are usually provided with the respective appointment via Mailinglist, Rocket or within the Wolke calendar entry.

Here's a list of all available rooms:

Meetups, Dates and Events

All internal and some external Haecksen meetups can be found in our calendar. All meetups entered there are open to all Haecksen (i.e. everyone who is on our mailing list). Only Haecksen who need a cloud account have write access to the cloud (and thus write access to the calendar). If you want to add a new date, you can find contact persons on the hats page or in Rocket #haecksen channel.

There are also various geekends and other hacking events that might be of interest. You can find an incomplete list here:

  • current and past public events organised or co-organised by Haecksen.
  • Dates: An (incomplete) listing of current and past events and geekends that Haecksen are participating in.


Since January 2022, there has been a Haecksen buddy programme, similar to the Chaos-Pat*innen at CCC events. To join the Haecksen, you can also register at buddy {at} You will then be assigned a buddy Haeckse who can meet you (virtually), answer your questions, take you to (virtual) meetings, establish contacts to other Haeckses and maybe even show you the different tools (like Pads, Rocketchat) we use. Our goal is to facilitate your entry into our community and to be your first social contact or anchor.

You can find more information about the project on Haecksen-Buddy-Line.

You want to join? Write to buddy [ät]

Regional / local Groups

Regional or local groups like to meet live on site, some have their own Rocketchat channels and mailing lists. You can find a list of existing groups here. We are always happy to hear about new groups. It is possible that this list is no longer up to date. Just ask via the list if there are more of us from your area.

More information:

Projects and other options for participation

In principle, there are no prerequisites for participation in the Haecksen world. You can always participate passively or out of curiosity in all meetings that interest you. If you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask for explanations or help. No existing skills are required to get involved in a project or task. The only thing that counts is your interest in the topic.

If it becomes too much for you, you can withdraw from a project at any time and hand over tasks, because self-care is very important to the Haecksen. If you withdraw, just let the group know. If you are not sure whether you are interested in a topic or a task, you are also welcome to participate passively in chat channels or at meetings and lurk a bit and get a taste of it. Haecksen who only listen are also welcome at any time.

And as mentioned above, if you're having trouble connecting with us, feel free to contact our Buddy-Haecksen.

  • Rocket: The easiest way to get involved with the Haecksen is to check out the Rocket chat to see which channels you'd be interested in (even if they're not very busy), join the channels and the conversations.
  • Projects and active groups: There is always demand for new people in projects. Dare to join them, even if you don't think you fit the requirements perfectly. If you have less time, you can easily hand over tasks again.
  • Events: The event-orga teams are almost always looking for support. We are happy about helping-elves as well as content-related contributions (giving talks, workshops, etc.). More info also in the Rocketchat channel #eventorga.
  • Hats/Tasks: There are always different content-related, organisational or administrative tasks. If you would like to take responsibility for a project or task, please come and join us. 

FAQ and Glossary

You can find some useful information here:

Finally, welcome once again! :)

Welcome Email

The following will be sent by email to new Haecksen:

--- english below ---

Hallo! Schön, dass du auf der Haecksen-Liste bist!

Wir wollen dir mit dieser Mail etwas Orientierung geben: wie wir arbeiten, wie du aktiv werden kannst und wo du dich bei Fragen hinwenden kannst.
Grundsätzlich gilt: bei Fragen, die nicht an den ganzen Verteiler gehen sollen, kannst du dich immer gerne an wenden. Gleiches gilt, wenn dir im Haecksen-Universum irgendwo ein Zugang fehlt.

Weiterführende Informationen findest du in diversen Channels im Rocketchat sowie im Wiki. Hier kannst du gerne stöbern und auch aktiv mitmachen, Nachrichten schreiben und Seiten erstellen. Um Zugang zum Rocketchat sowie dem nicht-öffentlichen Teil des Wikis zu erhalten, benötigst du einen SSO-Account. Diesen bekommst du auf Anfrage: Schreib eine Mail an admin [ät] und nenne bitte auch gleich deinen gewünschten Nicknamen für den Account.

* Mailingliste:
--- Unsubscribe: Mail an haecksen-unsubscribe [ät]
--- Neuhaeckse hinzufügen: Siehe Abschnitt im Wiki
--- Do's: Infos zu Events, Basteleien, Feminismus, Orga dürfen gerne verschickt werden.
--- Don'ts: Bitte keine Anhänge, keine Weiterleitungen ohne Erlaubnis versenden.
* Rocketchat: Hauptkommunikationskanal, Hierzu brauchst du einen SSO Account. Den bekommst du auf Anfrage bei admin [ät] , bitte nenne auch deinen Wunsch-Nicknamen für den Account.
* Regionale Gruppen: Gibt es, mehr Infos im Wiki (s.u.)
* Haecksen-Buddies: Das Haecksen-Pat*innen Angebot, Mail an: buddy [ät]
* FAQ und Glossar: findest du im Wiki (s.u.)
* Termine: Im Kalender, im Wiki (s.u.) und auf der Webseite
* Wie mitmachen? Aufgaben und Hüte werden regelmäßig verteilt
* noch Fragen? info [ät] oder #haecksen_frageecke im Rocketchat

Die ausführliche Willkommensmail mit allen Infos findest du im Wiki:

Zum Schluss noch einmal herzlich willkommen!

------------------ English ------------------

Hello! Nice to have you on the Haecksen list!

With this email we want to give you some orientation: how we work, how you can become active and where you can turn to if you have questions.
Basically, if you have a question that should not be sent to the whole mailing list, you can always contact The same applies if you are missing a login account somewhere in the Haecksen universe.

Further information can be found in various channels in Rocketchat and in our wiki, where you can browse and also actively participate, write messages and create pages. To get access to Rocketchat and the non-public part of the wiki you need an SSO account. You can get one upon request: Send an email to admin [ät] and please also mention your desired nickname for the account.

* Mailing list:
--- Unsubscribe: Mail to haecksen-unsubscribe [ät]
--- Subscribe a new Haeckse: See section in Wiki
--- Do's: Infos on events, handicrafts, feminism, orga may be shared.  
--- Don'ts: Please send no attachments and forward no emails without permission from the mailinglist.
* Rocketchat: Main communication channel, You need an SSO account for this. You can get one on request at admin [ät] Please also state your desired nickname for the account. 
* Regional groups: There are, more info in the wiki (see below).
* Haecksen-Buddies: The Haecksen-pat*innen offer, mail to: buddy [ät]
* FAQ and glossary: Can be found in the wiki (see below).
* Dates: In the calendar, in the wiki (see below) and on the website.
* How to participate? Tasks and hats will be distributed regularly
* Any questions? info [ät] or #haecksen_question corner in Rocketchat

You can find the detailed welcome email with all the info in the wiki:

Finally, welcome again!